Saturday, June 29, 2013

Pompeii AD 79

The explosion of Mount Vesuvius near Naples, Italy in AD 79 buried the town of Pompeii.  Excavations of the site revealed voids in the ash layer which were later filled with plaster to recreate Vesuvius's victims. Buried in the 20 feet of ash, this was one man, how he perished. I shot this photo while there in 2008. Life changing to see. The ancient "lost-wax casting" process is used today in casting bronze sculpture. 

1 comment:

  1. I've got a chance to visit Pompeii a few years ago and I agree that it really is life changing to see. It's weird to think that so many years ago people were actually living there. The casts/ bodies of the people were the most impressive to me, specially since you could see how they perished. I also though it was interesting to see how small the bodies were compared to how tall most people are now.
